Engagement Protocols

Welcome to the Watershed Forum, hosted by Redd Fish Restoration in partnership with BCCF, the Iisaak Olam Foundation and CICICA.

We are committed to creating a respectful, inclusive, and collaborative environment guided by the principles of the Ethical Space framework. Your participation signifies your agreement to uphold these values throughout the gathering.

Ethical Space Framework Pledge

I pledge to embody the following values of the Ethical Space framework:

  • Respect: I will acknowledge and honor the diverse perspectives, knowledge systems, and experiences of all participants.

  • Reciprocity: I commit to engaging in mutual exchange where all voices are valued, and contributions are reciprocated.

  • Responsibility: I will act with integrity and accountability, understanding the impact of my actions on both people and the environment.

  • Relevance: I will ensure that my discussions and activities are meaningful and connected to the cultural, ecological, and social contexts of Indigenous communities.

  • Reflection: I will continuously reflect on my practices and interactions to foster ongoing learning and growth.

Cultural Protocols Pledge

I pledge to honor the cultural protocols specific to the Snaw-Naw-As and Kwalikum Nations:

  • Seeking Guidance: I will consult with Elders and cultural knowledge holders to understand and respect local protocols.

  • Participating Respectfully: I will engage in cultural activities and ceremonies with an open heart and mind, respecting the traditions and practices shared.