Watershed Forum
November 26th-28th, 2024 | Tigh-Na-Mara Resort
Snaw-naw-as & Qualicum First Nation Traditional Lands
A two-day gathering to encourage community-building and collaborative efforts in restoring the ecological balance of coastal watersheds.
The Watershed Forum will be hosted within the larger Estuary to Old Growth Gathering
The Estuary to Old Growth (E2OG) Gathering is an annual event organized by the IISAAK OLAM Foundation (IOF). It brings together land and water stewards from across the west coast of BC to collaborate, strengthen relationships, and discuss our shared responsibilities in nurturing the health and wellbeing of our cultural and ecological systems - from estuaries to old growth forests. The Gathering focuses on the framework of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA) and explores different themes each year. This year, IOF is partnering with Redd Fish Restoration Society to merge the Gathering with the Watershed Forum. The Forum will take place during the Gathering and provide a space to dive deeper into the topic of restoration.
The 2024, Estuary to Old Growth and Watershed Forum was focused on:
Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs)
Ecological Restoration
Indigenous Food Sovereignty
This year’s gathering reached full capacity.

Thank you to our partners who’ve helped make this event possible